Postcard from Dubai

Spent 3 days in Dubai, to speak at a conference and hang around some seminars and meet clients. I worked in Kuwait in 2003, so know the region a little. Love the place. Arabs are very similar to Greeks in many ways.
And George W Bush strolls into town on my first day. So they declared a public holiday and closed the main roads. Of all the towns in all the world, on all the dates, he has to walk into mine.
Met my cousin Pani who is working here for a while, for dinner, along with a work buddy, Twiggsy, who has lived and worked here for 8 years.
The building development is at break-neck speed. All power to them. I reckon in 2050, Dubai will look like the set of blade runner.
The building development is at break-neck speed. All power to them. I reckon in 2050, Dubai will look like the set of blade runner.