Byzantium, 330 - 1453, Royal Academy of Arts

Went to see the Byzantium exhibition yesterday. It is miraculous.
On until March 2009.
Overwhelming to see things that are 1,000 years old or more.
A child's tunic with hood, and sandals, from around 700AD had me gaping for a full 10 minutes.
Leaving the exhibition I couldn't help thinking how these things have survived over 1,000 years, and we are still interested in the life of bibles, and ceremony, and chalices, and icons. Richard Dawkins may be right about the science, but he is so wrong about the need that homo sapiens has for religion.
There is a brilliant icon that reminded me of the song Stairway to Heaven ... copied above. Another highlight is the Chalice of Antioch, thought to be the Holy Grail itself.
On until March 2009.
Overwhelming to see things that are 1,000 years old or more.
A child's tunic with hood, and sandals, from around 700AD had me gaping for a full 10 minutes.
Leaving the exhibition I couldn't help thinking how these things have survived over 1,000 years, and we are still interested in the life of bibles, and ceremony, and chalices, and icons. Richard Dawkins may be right about the science, but he is so wrong about the need that homo sapiens has for religion.
There is a brilliant icon that reminded me of the song Stairway to Heaven ... copied above. Another highlight is the Chalice of Antioch, thought to be the Holy Grail itself.