Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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After 5 years of no blogging, here I am back. Twitter and Instagram and Facebook, have their uses. They're wildly addictive.
I have been reading and listening to a lot of Dr. Jordan Peterson, recently. He is a Psychology professor from Toronto, and has posted his lectures on YouTube. He wrote a best selling book called 12 Rules for Life, which I highly recommend.
He is very fact based, scientific and compelling. He has been invited to a lot of debates and panels, and has done the top ones brilliantly well - Oxford Union, The Monk Debates, Cambridge University - and many more.
He has counselled, coached and analysed thousands of clients in his clinical practice, and has specialised in women lawyers in the large law firms. Successful, high-flying professional women trying to get on in a corporate, aggressive world. He says they measure how many seconds they have to microwave their food. When they are working, they are guilty that they're not with their kids (if they have them), and when they are with their kids, they are guilty about not working. Can't win.
He knows what he's talking about in this sphere.
One interesting point he makes, is that whilst people may complain about the "Top 1%" owning 50% of the wealth, and that men control the world, that is a very small number of men.
He says that men are over-represented at the bottom of life's pyramid. He is talking of Western cultures in particular. If you look at the following, you will find a disproportionately higher percentage of men:-
- Prison populations
- Drug users
- Clinical depression
- Suicide
- Gambling addictions
- Alcoholism
- Dangerous jobs
- Jobs in harsh environments
- Crime
- Homelessness
There are many answers and many underlying root causes to problems. His message is look at the data, look at real people's evidence, and don't make sweeping generalisations.
He is a compelling speaker and writer. He is coming on a speaking tour in the UK in 2019. Check him out: Dr Jordan B. Peterson.
It's nice to be back blogging.
His interview on Channel 4 with Cathy Newman has become legendary. Worth a look, at the top of this blog post: https://youtu.be/aMcjxSThD54.
/ James Neo, 07:32, 22 December 2018