Red Sky At Night, Renaults' Alight

Banning Muslim head-scarves is a pathetic mistake. It just shows how racist the French are. I do not see a difference between banning Muslim head-scarves and asking Jews to wear a yellow star. That is where this is heading.
On my way to work each day, I must pass at least 30 different cultures - I see turbans, shawls, bandanas, skull caps, hijab's, baseball caps, burka's, sari's - and it is beautiful. No-one bats an eye-lid. No-one gives a toss where you come from or what you believe or what your pet name for God is or whether you have a God or whether you drink the blood of goats. We live side by side and just get on with things.
The recent civil disturbances remind us that the French are not as civilised a country as we thought. Usually, in such situations I am behind the police and have zero patience with layabout trouble-makers. In this case, I was with the unemployed and seemingly unemployable Blacks, North and West Africans, Asians and Arabs all over France. The French can shove their rancid, corrupt secularism up their derrieres.