Awards Matter
With an extraordinary voice like something out of 1920's Louisiana, combined with the music of early 1960's Motown, Amy Winehouse deservedly won a Brit Award the other day. (I was switching between Dragon's Den, The Brits and Arsenal v Bolton).
She is like Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin and The Supremes all rolled into one North London Jewish frame.
The songs "Back to Black" and "You Know I'm No Good" just give me goosebumps.
And, awards matter.
Two American doctors, Donald Redelmeier and Sheldon Singh, did some fascinating research into awards, as follows: -
"Results were: All 1,649 actors and actresses ever nominated for Oscars were analyzed.
Life expectancy was 3.9 years longer for Academy Award winners than for other, less recognized performers (79.7 vs. 75.8 years).
This difference was equal to a 28% relative reduction in death rates. Additional wins were associated with a 22% relative reduction in death rates, whereas additional films and additional nominations were not associated with a significant reduction in death rates.
Conclusion: The association of high status with increased longevity that prevails in the public also extends to celebrities, contributes to a large survival advantage, and is partially explained by factors related to success.
Winning an Academy Award can increase a performer’s stature and may add to their longevity. The absolute difference in life expectancy is about equal to the societal consequence of curing all cancers in all people for all time. Moreover, movie stars who have won multiple Academy Awards have a survival advantage of 6.0 years. over performers with multiple films but no victories.
Formal education is not the only way to improve health, and strict poverty is not the only way to worsen health. The main implication is that higher status may be linked to lower mortality rates even at very impressive levels of achievement."
(Their paper is available at:

She is like Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin and The Supremes all rolled into one North London Jewish frame.
The songs "Back to Black" and "You Know I'm No Good" just give me goosebumps.
And, awards matter.
Two American doctors, Donald Redelmeier and Sheldon Singh, did some fascinating research into awards, as follows: -
"Results were: All 1,649 actors and actresses ever nominated for Oscars were analyzed.
Life expectancy was 3.9 years longer for Academy Award winners than for other, less recognized performers (79.7 vs. 75.8 years).
This difference was equal to a 28% relative reduction in death rates. Additional wins were associated with a 22% relative reduction in death rates, whereas additional films and additional nominations were not associated with a significant reduction in death rates.
Conclusion: The association of high status with increased longevity that prevails in the public also extends to celebrities, contributes to a large survival advantage, and is partially explained by factors related to success.
Winning an Academy Award can increase a performer’s stature and may add to their longevity. The absolute difference in life expectancy is about equal to the societal consequence of curing all cancers in all people for all time. Moreover, movie stars who have won multiple Academy Awards have a survival advantage of 6.0 years. over performers with multiple films but no victories.
Formal education is not the only way to improve health, and strict poverty is not the only way to worsen health. The main implication is that higher status may be linked to lower mortality rates even at very impressive levels of achievement."
(Their paper is available at: