Water and climate

So. It is official. Climate change is really happening and it is man made.
The findings were released in Paris as part of the fourth assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or the IPCC, formed by the United Nations. It is the result of six years of work and is built on a previous dozen years of study by hundreds of researchers from more than 100 nations.
Now hopefully we can have some serious policies, and hopefully the cost of being carbon neutral will come down.
However, people are getting too worked up about the Kyoto protocol. The Kyoto protocol if implemented will aim to make the temperature in the year 2100, 6 degrees lower than it would otherwise have been. Kyoto will cost 1 trillion dollars to implement.
For one third of that cost, we can do something about the most pressing problem in the world today. For a third of that cost, we can ensure that every man, woman and child has clean water and sanitation.