News from the US and A

1. The richest 2% of the world population hold 50% of the world's assets (Wall Street Journal)
2. Native Americans to buy Hard Rock Cafe (FT USA).
The Seminole tribe of Florida gathered to celebrate their purchase of Hard Rock International for $960m.
"Our ancestors sold Manhattan for trinkets. We are going to buy Manhattan back one hamburger at a time".
The tribe gains 90% of its income from running casinos in Nevada and Florida.
3. Blackberry Orphans (Fox News)
"Addiction to Blackberry devices is creating a generation of resentful kids".
Ways to beat the "crackberry" habit: -
- DO NOT CHECK mail in the 1st hour of your day
- DO NOT TAKE your Blackberry to family events
- DO NOT HIDE your habits from your family
1. The richest 2% of the world population hold 50% of the world's assets (Wall Street Journal)
2. Native Americans to buy Hard Rock Cafe (FT USA).
The Seminole tribe of Florida gathered to celebrate their purchase of Hard Rock International for $960m.
"Our ancestors sold Manhattan for trinkets. We are going to buy Manhattan back one hamburger at a time".
The tribe gains 90% of its income from running casinos in Nevada and Florida.
3. Blackberry Orphans (Fox News)
"Addiction to Blackberry devices is creating a generation of resentful kids".
Ways to beat the "crackberry" habit: -
- DO NOT CHECK mail in the 1st hour of your day
- DO NOT TAKE your Blackberry to family events
- DO NOT HIDE your habits from your family