It's better on TV, and I am 60 seconds from my bed when it's over

I am willing to pay over the odds.
But I am not going on the off chance that some dodgy Greek or Albanian tout will sell me a ticket or two.
But, e-bay is such a bunch of arse. There is no way of knowing if the goods are genuine.
Here is what they have at the moment - anywhere between £75 and £850 per ticket: -
Uefa Champions League Final Tickets 5/23/07 (Athens) , US $1,525.00, United States
2-Tickets-Uefa-Champions-League-Final-CAT-1, US $305.00, United States
2 Tickets UEFA Final Champions League Cat.1 , US $3,000.00, United States
Uefa Champions League Final Athens 1 Ticket , US $1,700.00, Greece
2 Uefa Champions League Athens Final tickets Cat 3 , US $1,200.00, Greece
2-Tickets for the UEFA Champions League Final (Athens) , US $1,725.00, United States
2 Tickets UEFA Final Champions League Cat.1 , US $3,000.00, United States
Uefa Champions League Final Athens 1 Ticket , US $1,700.00, Greece
2 Uefa Champions League Athens Final tickets Cat 3 , US $1,200.00, Greece
2-Tickets for the UEFA Champions League Final (Athens) , US $1,725.00, United States